Facebook Account | How to Create a Facebook Account

Join the largest social media community by creating a Facebook account. It will enable you update your status, share videos and photos, send and receive messages, connect again with old friends, meet new people, share thoughts about updates, follow pages and all in all stay up-to-date on what’s trending and connected. Events happening around the world will be easy to monitor.

Boasting an outstanding amount of estimated billions of users and visitors to the service on a regular basis, Facebook is regarded as the number one social media community. With its large crowd of users interactions are easy and business marketing is sure to reach a wide crowd.How to Create a Facebook Account

Benefits of Creating a Facebook Account

Since it’s inception and spontaneous growth, Facebook has the most popular social media service. Benefits of this network are numerous and a few of them are  looked into below:

  • Allows users to remain updated on current events both locally and internationally.
  • Friends and family stay in touch irrespective of distance.
  • Friends keep others in the know about what they are doing and what is happening to them.
  • Notifications keep users informed on new developments.
  • Users can let their opinions be known through likes, status updates, comments and so on. Private messaging and the poking services allow people to stay within conversation distances.
  • It is supported by any internet accessible device.

How to Create a new Facebook account on Mobile

  • Tap on the “Sign Up for Facebook” icon on the mobile device after the app is opened or it is opened on browser.
  • Tap on the three horizontal line box at the bottom-right corner of the screen (for iPhones) or the top-right corner of the screen (for Androids).
  • The “Log out” icon is located at the bottom of the menu and it is to be tapped on.
  • Then tap on the “Sign up for Facebook” icon on the new page.
  • Tap the “Get Started” icon to begin creating an account profile, this is the blue button in the middle of the window that will pop up.
  • Input the email address, by tapping on the “enter your email address” space. Type the email address you want to use for the account.
  • Tap on the “Continue” icon after this.
  • Input your First and Last name, by tapping on the “First name” field, then type your first name, then tap the “Last name” field and type your last name.
  • Tap on the “Continue” icon.
  • Create your new password, by clicking on the “Password” text space. Then, type in the password you want to use.
  • Tap on the “Continue” icon.
  • Then you will be required to set up your birthday date. This can be done by picking a month, day, and year for your birthday
  • Tap on the “Continue” icon.
  • Pick your gender when prompted by selecting either male or female.
  • A verification code will be sent to the email address you chose when creating your Facebook account. When you find the code in the email from Facebook, copy it or write it down and then enter it in the space provided by Facebook.

How to Create a New Account on Desktop

  • Visit the Facebook website: facebook.com this will open your News Feed page if you are logged in. (If you are are not logged into Facebook, you can skip to the “Enyer in your first and last name” option to start the process)
  • Tap on the “v” icon. It is the small triangle in the far-right side of the dark-blue bar found at the top of the Facebook page. This will show a drop-down menu.
  • Tap on the “Log Out” icon which is found at the bottom of the drop-down menu.

More Steps Creating Facebook New Account

  • Enter your first and last name, by typing your first name into the text fields provided.
  • Enter the email address you wish to use in the “Mobile number or email” field, then enter it again in thev“Re-enter email” field that comes up below it.
  • Enter a password, by typing the password you want to use into the “New password” text space.
  • Set your birthday, by selecting the day, month and year of your birth in the drop-down boxes provided.
  • Choose your gender, by checking the “Male” or “Female” boxes near the bottom of the “Sign Up” section
  • Although Facebook does not have an “Other” box for now, it is possible to hide your selected gender from your profile later if you want to.
  • After this, click the “Create Account” which green an is found at the bottom of the “Sign Up” section. This Facebook account will have been created and all that is needed is the email address confirmation.
  • To confirm the email account, open it and scroll to inbox for the email address that you used.
  • This can be done by also opening the email from Facebook, by clicking on the “Welcome to Facebook” email in the Facebook inbox.
  • A “Get Started” dark-blue tab can be found at the bottom of the email, click on this and the email is verified and linked to your new Facebook account

You have successfully joined Facebook media platform and can now connect with loved ones and meet new people too.

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